Sunday, June 1, 2008

Movie and book similarities?

I thought that i didn't really find any important similarities. The only ones i found were that they were in Africa, they lived in tribes,etc., but nothing really important. Maybe I just didn't see it, so if you did, please post some.



Frankielee And Samantha said...

At first, I really only saw the obvious similarities as well (both were in Africa, etc.). But when I went back and compared the book to the movie again, I saw some more similarities between the two tribes such as their religion. They both believed in multiple gods and they both believed that the gods controlled everything pertaining to their lives. Religion is often a big part in every society, so in that way I think the two tribes were very similar.


jess&will said...

Both the bushmen and the clans in Umofia had to encounter Westerners. Their lives were affected by sole objects, such as the glass coke bottle and the bicycle. Both of the peoples were introduced to the technological advancements made.

Ana and Kieran said...

One similarity that i saw was about the way they lived. They both lived peacefully in their own village and they both respected one another. In our society, we are constantly fighting with one another. The Bushmen and people of Umoufia never fought until the Westerners came. They also both had a somewhat of a organized society.